Supply Chain Brains: Outsmarting the Electronic Component Shortage (Video)

Learn about supply chain solutions in electronics manufacturing.

Z-AXIS is keeping manufacturing moving at a time when many electronic components are in short supply. It’s not just about working harder. We’re working smarter and thinking innovatively.

In the video above, you’ll see some examples of how we’re outsmarting the global chip shortage at our Phelps, New York manufacturing facility..

Daughterboard Design 

When a TI module became unavailable, Z-AXIS designed a small, thin daughterboard so that it would still have the necessary functionality. We didn’t have to change the entire layout, and we could still pick-and-place the daughterboard onto the motherboard. Plus, we didn’t have to seek UL approval all over again.

PCB Redesign for Ethernet Controller

A printed circuit board (PCB) required a redesign because its Ethernet controller was out-of-stock. Although we had to change the board’s layout, bill of materials, and firmware, our team got the job done in just five weeks.

IC Pick-and-Place with Power Supply Buck Regulator

Sometimes, the solutions we find are hard to see if you don’t look closely. When a power supply buck regulator became unavailable, Z-AXIS did more than find a replacement part. We picked-and-placed an integrated circuit (IC) onto an array of 144 boards before reflowing them and cutting them out with our UV laser.

Four PCB Layouts with Interchangeable ICs 

With this printed circuit board, the original USB hub became unavailable. Since then, we’ve redesigned the board three times to use components that we could find. Today, we have four different layouts – all of which meet the application’s requirements. Z-AXIS builds thousands of these boards and can use any of these four ICs.

Harvesting Electronic Components 

During electronic component shortages, price can become a problem. When a part that used to cost $4 rose to $95, Z-AXIS bought a hundred demo boards for $10 each. We then harvested the parts that were needed. It took us a few labor hours, but the component cost-savings were significant.

Second Sources for Diodes and Capacitors

Finally, Z-AXIS is working diligently to find second sources for components like diodes and capacitors. Crossing components can take a lot of time, but it sure beats downtime. By working smarter and thinking innovatively, we’re using our “supply chain brains” to keep our production lines moving.

Contact us to learn more and to discuss your application.


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